National Honor Society
National Honor Society is an organization to recognize those students that exhibit character, service, leadership, and scholarship within our student body. This organization is only for those students in the top 10% of the student body with a GPA requirement of 3.7 or higher and an exemplary behavior record. National Honor Society is sponsored by Ms. Susan Rogers.
Major Activities: Sock-tober, BINGO at the Veterans’ Center, Relay for Life, Adopt a Street Clean-up
Purpose: To create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and to encourage the development of character.
Sponsors: Ms. Susan Rogers
****Potential candidates for National Honor Society are invited to apply in the spring. The application process includes a resume of achievements and an essay. Induction is held in April.
Meeting Time: 1st Monday of the month during 9th hr
Meeting Place: Library
Number of Members: Approx. 110
Requirements: Maintaining 3.7 GPA or higher, 2 NHS service events per semester, and no written referrals