Key Club
Key Club is a student-led volunteer organization that has clubs throughout the world helpings its communities, expecting nothing in return. Our Club has been rated top 25 of the Texas/Oklahoma district for nearly a decade. Not only does it give someone chances to make their hometown a better place, but it also gets them connected to many like-minded and friendly members, who they will develop a lifelong bond with.
Major Activities: Relay for Life, Kiwanis Pancake Days, Spirit of Survival, Toby Keith Foundation, Polar Plunge, Walk to end Alzheimer
Sponsors: Mrs. Kathy Saunders and Mrs. Lorrie Barnes
Website: https://www.macarthurkey.club/
Remind 101: text @mackeyclub to 81010
Facebook: Macarthur High School Key Club
Instagram: @mackeyclub
Twitter: @mackeyclub
Teamup: Download the "teamup app" and enter the calendar code "kswve2cmw970mz86fs" or enter the link to view the webpage version.
Meeting time: Every Tuesday, After School
Meeting Place: Library
Number of Members: 48
Requirements: Attend meetings after school every Tuesday, $35, and have 5 service hours every month.