The purpose of MacArthur Cheer Team is to provide entertainment at numerous school events, including halftime of the football and basketball games, promote and encourage school spirit, and attend various LPS events on behalf of MHS. The girls on the squad are positive role models and represent high moral character.
Senior Members: Jadah Burney, Tori Freeman, Shania Martin, Kamyla McCormick, Loanetra Whitley
Junior Members: Alyssa Fair, Angel Fraiser. Janiya Williams
Sophomore Members: Tori Justice, Reese Lopez, Kayla Runnels, Yalitza Santiago, Candyce Smith
Freshman Members: Kailey Fisher, Ashtyn Hardin, Alyssa Kayser, Alexis Moore, AnnaChris Pritchett, Erice Thompson, Jayda Tripp.
Regular Meeting Time: Daily 1st Hour
Regular Meeting Place: Number of members: 20
Tryouts for the squad are held each March and conducted by the LPS Athletic Office