Lawton High School will be hosting a book sale Saturday from 8am - 5pm & Sunday from 12pm - 5pm in the LHS library. For more information on the book sale please see the flyer below.
#LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaED

LPS & RedLegs are teaming up for the JR. Robotics annual competition! If you're team is interested in competing see the flyer below for more info. Follow the link to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLhOY3N0J-PtNbSiJg4WQ-zJ3rY2vGG-LJXOk2g1QS4CAIQw/viewform

From all of us at LPS we want wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Congratulations Maj. Gen. Kenneth Kamper on your retirement! We wish you and your family all the best.

LPS will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Monday, Nov. 25 - Fri. Nov. 29. We will see everyone back Mon., Dec. 2! Happy Thanksgiving!
#LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaEd

Checkout these photos from Ribbon Skirt Day from students at CMS and the LRC celebrating Indigenous Education Spirit Week!
#LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Our students at Brockland Learning Center gave a beautiful tribute to honor our Veterans in ASL at tonight's Board Meeting! You can watch it here:
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

We are about to go live! You can watch our Regular Board of Education Meeting with the link: https://youtube.com/live/VWmqnQ2ohUU?feature=share
Follow along with our agenda: https://meeting.assemblemeetings.com/Public/Agenda/328?meeting=662137

In the spirit of Educational Support Professionals Day, Mr. Hime delivered sweet treats to our amazing support staff here at Shoemaker and the Media Center. Thank you to all of our support staff for everything you do, we appreciate you! ❤️
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

Yesterday, our amazing Child Nutrition staff served up a delicious early Thanksgiving feast for our students and staff across the district! A huge thank you to those who made these lunches so special! 😋💛
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

Today is Educational Support Professionals Day! We here at LPS would like to thank all of our hard working support staff for all they do! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Our LPS Elementary Teachers attended their first LETRS PD! LETRS equips educators with essential skills for teaching reading and writing to help better educate our students! 📚 #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

Our Transportation department had a blast participating in this years Holiday in the Park Parade! Take a look at the pictures from their bus design. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Family! Celebrate with a new edition of the LPS Digital Review! This past month the district celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrated with our Teacher of the Year, First Class Teacher of the Year, and Support Person of the Year finalists, we recognized our hard workers for National Custodian Day and our elementary students participated in Fort Sill's annual Frontier Army Days! Check out all the great things happening at LPS!
CLICK HERE: https://adobe.ly/4i5iIme
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

LPS Friendly Reminder: We will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Monday, Nov. 25 - Fri. Nov. 29. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaEd

This afternoon, students from Carriage Hills Elementary marched down to Gore Blvd to help send off the MacArthur High School football team as they head to their playoff game! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Family: Check out the new updates to our LPS/ROOMS App.
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS

LPS Friendly Reminder: LPS will be closed Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

#LawtonPS friendly reminder: The Lawton FFA will be hosting their calf fry tonight at 6pm at the Life Ready Center. Donations will be accepted for dinner and there will be a Silent Auction. #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Friendly Reminder: LPS will be closed Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed