#LawtonPS friendly reminder: Friday, December 15th is a Student Virtual Learning Day for LPS. Students will work from home but teachers will be available online. Be sure to sign in to your Google classroom or SeeSaw for more information that day. #WeAreLPS #oklaed

The Great Plains Invitational returns for its second year this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the Great Plains Coliseum! It is going to be an exciting tournament as the three #LawtonPS boys basketball teams battle it out with five other teams from around the state for the GPI title. Tickets are $5 at the door. #WeAreLPS

MacArthur Middle School held their winter band concert last night and the band did an amazing job! Check out some photos from the concert below. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

The Mitchell Cattle Company entrusted our LHS students to service their trailer. The students welded more support bracing under the floor of the trailer, replaced and packed the wheel bearings, & also repaired the jack of the trailer. In addition, the students rewired & replaced the old lights with new ones! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Family! Check out this week's Time with Hime podcast with a special guest appearance from the Lawton Public School Foundation Executive Director Lisa Carson. Have a great week. https://bit.ly/47WIy5K
#LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Family! Your student received an impact aid form today (12/4). Please help us by filling out the form and returning it tomorrow. Thank you for your assistance!

Ms. Mujica's students at Eisenhower Middle School are now published authors! They all worked so hard on their first book. Stay tuned and look for the story on LPSTV later this week! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Indian Education Liaison, Raylisha Stanley, was invited to the US Department of Education, Native American heritage month celebration for Indian Education in Washington D.C.! She was joined by several other educators and leaders. It was a great experience and so beneficial for our district. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

And just like that…we have officially kicked off our 2023-2024 A.I.M. for Lawton program.
Tonight, our #LawtonPS sophomores met with their community mentor! It’s just the beginning of a great journey.
Special thanks to our families and #AIMMentors for coming out to Orientation night.
#WeAreLPS #oklaed #LifeReady

Congratulations to MacArthur Middle and Whittier Elementary for receiving their awards from the Holiday in the Park Parade. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce for presenting them today! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

From all of us at LPS we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Before the break MacArthur High School Assistant Principal, Shelia Klosterman and her son stopped by MacArthur Middle School to give a presentation to students on the Alaskan Culture and state! Check out the photos below. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Mark your calendars for the Ladies Night Out Bingo presented by the Lawton Public School Foundation! The event will take place Jan. 26, 2024 at 7pm. See the flyer below for more information. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Friendly Reminder: We will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Monday, Nov. 20 - Fri. Nov. 23. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaEd

Our Lawton Public Schools staff received their much anticipated Christmas bonus this week! Our certified received $2,500 and our support personnel received $1,750. Thank you BOE Members!!
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #Oklaed
WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbKmjwp9MkI

We are about to go live! You can watch our Regular Board of Education Meeting with the link
Follow along with our agenda: https://meeting.assemblemeetings.com/Public/Agenda/328?meeting=603357
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

Join #Lawton PS in celebrating American Education Week! This week we celebrate education with special shoutouts to Retired Teachers, Education Support Professionals, and Substitute Educators! Be sure to share your show of appreciation to our incredible staff. #WeAreLPS #oklaed

LPS Friendly Reminder: LPS will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Monday, Nov. 20 - Fri. Nov. 24. We will see everyone back Mon., Nov. 27th! Happy Thanksgiving!
#LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaEd

Congratulations to our MAC Cheerleaders! They placed Top 5 at Game Day State on Saturday! We are extremely proud of this group and the work they have put in this Competition Season. They also had four members from the Highlander football team join and compete with the squad for Game day Regionals and State! Job well done!!
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #Oklaed #GoBigMac

Job well done to our Lawton Public Schools students who participated in the 2nd round of Jr. High All State Choir auditions today! Results will be out tonight! #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed